Web design & marketing tips by Ironpaper

Twitter releases micro-video tweets

Written by Ironpaper | Jan 25, 2013 8:43:50 PM

Twitter launched a new service that allows users to upload video content and share a six-second, video-tweet. The contraint of 6 seconds for the video post is the equivalent of their 140 character text limitation--a constraint intended to inspire creativity.

Michael Sippey, Twitter’s vice president for product, wrote in a blog post Thursday:

“Now that you can easily capture motion and sound, we look forward to seeing what you create.”

The launch had a significant snag however. The New York Times reported that some users who logged into the service accidentally gained access to another user's private information. One reported that he actually was logged in as another Twitter user through the new video product called Vine.

Twitter had to temporarily suspend the service--dampening the excitement of the launch.

Vine is certainly a promising new rollout for Twitter. Vine gives the micro-blogging platform the opportunity to explore an area of the web where it is missing a solid footing: video. This could have a huge impact on Twitter.