Web design & marketing tips by Ironpaper

You can port over Flash content into HTML format using Adobe Wallaby (prep for iPads)

Written by Ironpaper | Mar 9, 2011 5:21:56 AM

Apple has frowned on Adobe Flash--not allowing the file type to be used on their "magical device," the iPad. Now that the iPad 2 is emerging on the scene, Adobe has found a way to translate Flash content into an HTML web format suitable for iPads. Online marketers and advertisers will jump for joy--as Flash is a vital vehicle for dynamic banners and other forms of advertising.

Adobe's Wallaby application runs on Adobe Air. (Air, just so you know, is a runtime environment for creating rich web applications.) The Wallaby application will take Flash content and translate it into HTML and CSS. Many higher-end Flash capabilities cannot be translated into the HTML/CSS web format--Flash games, for instance, are out of the question.