Yahoo Maps was re-designed and upgraded (even though they are not competing with Google)
Yahoo surprisingly decided to redesign their Yahoo Maps and add some nifty features. The reason it is a surprise is because Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer stated, when she took office, that she did not plan to compete for maps with Google. Many assumed this meant that Yahoo would not invest in maps and local.

- Pedestrian and public transit directions was added to maps to make people really, really happy
- Aerial graphics were imrpoved
- Real-time traffic was added to make drivers happy
- The underlying data (and possibly the traffic/routing data) come from Nokia-Here (possibly also a combination of Nokia and Bing)
- Flickr photos (with weather) were added
- An improved design that is consistent with other Yahoo properties (comparable to Google Maps)
- “search nearby” feature was added, which is not present on Google Maps