
B2B Articles - Jun 3, 2014 9:40:17 AM

Mobile Devices Now Comprise 66% of Email Opens - Study

Email marketing

A new study by Movable Ink for the Q1 2014 US Consumer Device Preference Report found that fewer people are opening emails on their desktops. Following the continuing trend, the study says, is that people are opening emails on mobile devices instead:

  • Mobile devices comprised 66 percent of email opens in Q1
  • 47.2 percent of users opened emails on a smartphone in Q1
  • 18.5 percent of users opened emails on a tablet in Q1

Since Q4, mobile device use for opening emails increased slightly from 65 percent.

As far as which mobile devices were opening emails, Moveable Ink covered those numbers as well. With only 34.36 of emails being opened on a desktop, here’s how other devices stacked up:

  • 38.21 percent of emails were opened on an iPhone
  • 16.27 percent of emails were opened on an iPad
  • 8.68 percent of emails were opened on an Android phone
  • 2.12 percent of emails were opened on an Android tablet
  • 0.16 percent of emails comprised email opens on both a Windows Phone, as well as other smartphones
  • 0.13 percent of emails were opened on a Kindle Fire
  • 0.01 percent of emails were opened on a BlackBerry

The study also covered what times of day were the most and least popular for opening emails. The peak time for smartphone users was early morning between 6am and 8am. The peak for desktop users was around 5am, but hit its lowest point in between 6am and 7am. Peak email opens for tablet users occurred in between 8pm and 11pm.

Source: “Mobile Devices Drive 66 Percent Of Email Opens — Report.” 2014. Marketingland.com

“Mobile Devices Drive 66 Percent Of Email Opens — Report.” 2014. Soctrends.com

“Report Says 66% of Email Opens Occur on Mobile Devices.” 2014. Bmielite.com

Image credit: Mikeman22: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mail-icon-ios-7.png

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