B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights


7 Landing Page Mistakes that Hurt Lead Generation

By Artemus Bryant, Content Strategist Landing pages are, by design, website pages created to convert visitors into leads. You utilize landing pages to capture leads by offering premium branded content in exchange for a visitor's contact information. The copy you write for these pages has one...

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Web design

What Does a Lean Website Design Process Look Like?

A lean approach to your website design process has the advantage of letting you launch quickly and iterate over time, rather than investing a huge budget up-front in a time-consuming project that may or may not be successful. The lean style focuses on quick speed-to-market and testing gradually for...

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digital marketing

Inbound Marketing and Agile are the Perfect Fit. Here's Why.

According to Forbes and CMG partners, 93% of CMOs who employ Agile practices say their speed to market for ideas, campaigns, and products has improved. Agile process management, and by extension agile marketing, are used by enterprise teams who want to improve and unite their internal processes....

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Keyword Strategy Mistakes to Stop Doing Now

A keyword strategy is definitely a must-have for businesses that want to generate leads online. In this article, we are going to address some common keyword strategy mistakes that businesses should curb. Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day, according to Internet Live...

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How to Excel at Targeted Marketing for B2B Tech Companies

Targeted marketing is the practice of aiming at an audience target with your campaigns like a bow and arrow, rather than casting a wide net to a general audience. It’s a highly effective way to get the right people to buy from your B2B technology company. And with so many digital tools and...

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Landing Page vs Homepage: 5 Strategic Differences

Both landing pages and a strong homepage are necessary for your digital marketing strategy and website presence. But what is the difference between the two? It's a great question and one we can answer in a few different ways. In the landing page vs. homepage debate, landing pages are ultimately...

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Optimizing a Website Homepage for B2B Technology Companies

Your homepage is often the first impression many prospects will see of your company. Sure, they may click an advertisement or find you through a social media post — but your website homepage is your major chance to own the buyer’s journey and build a dialogue all about your buyer’s problems, goals,...

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SEO vs. SEM: What’s the Difference?

Simply speaking, SEO (search engine optimization) refers to improving your website for the purpose of generating organic traffic once people search for keywords in search engines like Google and Bing. On the other hand, SEM (search engine marketing) generally refers to the wider practice of using...

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Web design

6 Amazing Benefits of Agile Website Design

Agile projects are three times more likely to succeed than projects managed with traditional methods. –Vitality Chicago Agile website design is the method of launching a lean version of your company’s website, then making software and content improvements over time. Instead of one big launch that...

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The Complete Guide to Structuring Effective Blog Posts

By Justin Champion Think back to the last blog post you read. Did you skim through it as opposed to reading it because the introduction didn’t keep your attention? Did the content seem to ramble as opposed to getting to the point in a helpful and practical way? Were you unable to find a helpful...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
