B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights


Video Marketing Strategies for B2B Companies

There is a misconception that video content needs to be a flashy production filled with impressive b-roll footage, custom graphics, and shot on an expensive studio camera. That’s why you might be surprised to know that videos are something you have the tools to create already. In fact, you’re...

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digital marketing

How B2B Marketers Can Overcome ABM Challenges

Account-based marketing (ABM) is an increasingly popular strategy in the B2B industry. Known for closing more qualified leads, ABM yields a higher ROI; 71% of ABM marketers cited a higher return than traditional marketing initiatives. ABM budgets have increased 21% in the last year, according to...

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digital marketing

How to Do Content Marketing Effectively (and Earn More Results & Outcomes)

Content marketing is effective for any business that wants to be seen as an industry thought leader, make their website a business-growth driver, improve sales nurturing, and gain visibility with prospective buyers. In fact, content done right can serve many important business functions like...

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digital marketing

Targeted Advertising Examples for IoT Companies

Selling and marketing your IoT solution? For your prospects, implementing the Internet of Things is a company-wide decision. But individual stakeholders need to get on board, and they have specific pain points and challenges unique to their role. To win the sale, you need to address and nurture...

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digital marketing

Inbound Marketing and Agile are the Perfect Fit. Here's Why.

According to Forbes and CMG partners, 93% of CMOs who employ Agile practices say their speed to market for ideas, campaigns, and products has improved. Agile process management, and by extension agile marketing, are used by enterprise teams who want to improve and unite their internal processes....

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Nurturing Sales Leads 101

Sales leads are often expensive to generate, so when you have a lead ready for outreach, you need to nail down the nurture strategy. It's often not as simple as sending a single generic email asking for time on someone's calendar. This impersonal, one-touch method is outdated and will result in...

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Why ABM is the Best Marketing Strategy for IoT Companies

By its nature, IoT is a decentralized investment. It crosses traditional organizational barriers and breaks down silos. As a result, IoT often impacts several different departments, ranging from executives to IT and operations. Each stakeholder needs to understand their individual role in an IoT...

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Keyword Strategy Mistakes to Stop Doing Now

A keyword strategy is definitely a must-have for businesses that want to generate leads online. In this article, we are going to address some common keyword strategy mistakes that businesses should curb. Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day, according to Internet Live...

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How to Excel at Targeted Marketing for B2B Tech Companies

Targeted marketing is the practice of aiming at an audience target with your campaigns like a bow and arrow, rather than casting a wide net to a general audience. It’s a highly effective way to get the right people to buy from your B2B technology company. And with so many digital tools and...

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Account-Based Marketing on LinkedIn: Does it Work for B2B?

LinkedIn is one of the most successful channels for account-based marketing that we’ve seen for our clients at Ironpaper. When it’s paired with other ABM channels and strategies, LinkedIn can be used to create demand generation and engagement among your best target accounts. When utilized well, the...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
